Photograph courtesy: imperial smelting & refining co. ltd, markham, ontario.
Photograph courtesy: imperial smelting & refining co. ltd, markham, ontario.

The strategy of DSC is advocacy and teaching. DSC recognizes a growing need to actively promote and market the tremendous artistic value and cultural contribution of fine art drawing, separate from the usual art forms of painting and sculpture. Such distinct advocacy is not designed to isolate and separate drawing from other art forms. Instead it allows connoisseur and collector a more intimate view of the world of drawing and to appreciate its integrity and beauty in proper context to all other arts forms. DSC also acknowledges the need to encourage and teach aspiring artists to walk in the footsteps of classical drawing masters.

Founding member Drawing Centres International

© 2009, Drawing Society of Canada
No content, including text and images, can be copied or reproduced without the consent of the Drawing
Society of Canada and consent of drawing masters featured in the gallery of Canadian drawing masters.
Site designed by: Doug Jordan
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