Photograph courtesy: imperial smelting & refining co. ltd, markham, ontario.
Photograph courtesy: imperial smelting & refining co. ltd, markham, ontario.

Welcome to the Gallery of Canadian Drawing Masters.

The Drawing Society of Canada is pleased to announce a Canadian first, namely, an online gallery of drawings created by Canada's drawing masters.

We sincerely hope you will enjoy viewing these works of art, as we continue to impress upon all Canadians, and those who visit the gallery from beyond our borders, that Canada indeed has a valuable and diverse heritage of fine art drawing.

The Drawing Society of Canada would like to make it clear that our online Gallery of Canadian Drawing Masters, is not a retail gallery, nor do we represent any of the artists whose works are exhibited. That we leave to the artists, their agents and galleries themselves.

The Gallery Of Canadian Drawing Masters
*Click image to enter the gallery*

** For biographical notes on each honourary member and artist in our online gallery, please go to our page titled, "Drawing Masters."

Founding member Drawing Centres International

© 2009, Drawing Society of Canada
No content, including text and images, can be copied or reproduced without the consent of the Drawing
Society of Canada and consent of drawing masters featured in the gallery of Canadian drawing masters.
Site designed by: Doug Jordan
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