Credits: The upper b/w drawing is by Ken Danby and the lower sanguine drawing by David Campbell. Both are honourary members.

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about the drawing society of canada

The Drawing Society of Canada is a valuable resource for artists, collectors, and everyone who loves art. Our primary purpose is to educate and advocate as we aim to create a greater awareness of the fine art of drawing. We invite you to get to know us better by reading the vision statement, birth of the drawing society, strategies, structure the four E's, etc. that form the society's objectives and which you'll find on our opening home page. Take advantage of our special educational services such as:

Bottega - our journal and newsletter
Ask a master - Our "questions and answers" (FAQ) if you have questions about drawing, plus read the questions and answers already posted.
Links - Links to valuable sites related to art and fine drawing, including ( where available ) links to our drawing masters in this gallery.

Founding member Drawing Centres International

© 2009, Drawing Society of Canada
No content, including text and images, can be copied or reproduced without the consent of the Drawing
Society of Canada and consent of drawing masters featured in the gallery of Canadian drawing masters.
Site designed by: Doug Jordan