Credits: The upper b/w drawing is by Ken Danby and the lower sanguine drawing by David Campbell. Both are honourary members.

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These are the featured works of John Gould. For a brief biography please check out our research files on The Drawing Society of Canada drawing masters page.

*Click on image for larger picture*

Title: "Poured Portrait"
Size: N/A
Media: Conte, Ink-wask on paper
Title: "Remembering"
Size: N/A
Media: Conte, Colour pencil on paper
Title: "The Bomber Jacket"
Size: 78.1 X 62.9 cm
Media: Chalk H.M.J.P
Title: "The Conjuror"
Size: 121.9 X 61.0 cm
Media: Conte, Collage on masonite

Drawing Masters

- Eser Afacan
- Suvinai Ashoona
- Igor V. Babailov
- Robert Bateman
- Dianna Bonder
- Michael Britton
- Oscar Cahen
- David Owen Campbell
- Victor Cinti
- Ken Danby
- Marina Dieul
- Jerry Davidson
- Mina dela Cruz
- Michael Dumas
- Joanne Finlay
- Barbara Fostka
- Susan Fraser
- Eric Freifeld
- Constantine Gedal
- David Gluck
- John Gould
- Mark Gothreau
- Andrew Hamilton
- Randy Hann
- Brenda Hill
- John Howe
- Ronan Kennedy
- Tom La Pierre
- Peter Leclerc
- Margaret Florence Ludwig
- Peter Mah
- Enid Maclachlan
- Kavavaow Mannomee
- Rosemary Mihalyi
- Ortansa Moraru
- Wendy Mould
- John Newman
- MyFanwy Pavelic
- Julia Penny
- Annie Pootoogook
- Dianna Ponting
- Bernard Aimé Poulin
- Nicholas Raynolds
- Steven Rhude
- Danielle Richard
- Penny Ridley
- Catherine Robertson
- Alma Rumball
- Erin Schwab
- Terry Shoffner
- David Silverberg
- Brian Smith
- Deborah Strong
- Elaine Silverman Sturm
- Donna Surprenant
- Gerald Squires
- Michael Thompson
- Gerrit Verstraete
- Christopher Walker
- Stephen Warren

Founding member Drawing Centres International

© 2009, Drawing Society of Canada
No content, including text and images, can be copied or reproduced without the consent of the Drawing
Society of Canada and consent of drawing masters featured in the gallery of Canadian drawing masters.
Site designed by: Doug Jordan